Monday, February 12, 2007

Get a closer look

Here is a close-up of the monkey with the cymbals in case you couldn't make it out in the other photo.

New Art Piece

So here is a new piece I finished. It's a collage. I'm not usually fond of this process, but this one just all came together in a matter of minutes, like the gods had placed everything right where it needed to be so that my mortal mind could place it in the right sequence. I really like it.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ahh....another beautiful sunset

First one of the year. January sunset on my front porch.

Curb Side Mail Delivery

So, now the mail carrier is delivery the mail to my driveway. How nice. The rest of my mail was blown all over the yard. Keep it up mail carrier...keep it up. I believe it may be a FEDERAL OFFENSE to tamper with the mail, even if you are the one delivering it.