Saturday finds us up early & nervous. Renee O'Connor's photo op is bright & early at 8:45am. We are hoping she has on the outfit we want, otherwise we will have to wait until Sunday. She's wearing two different outfits on two different days. Will it be the BGSB or the Red Outfit or the Little House on the Praire Outfit or what!?
I am totally expecting T to freak. LOL.
We get in line. Finally word comes down the line that she is indeed in the classic Gabby attire of the BGSB (Big Green Sports Bra).
Once we get in to the room where we can see her...T starts to feel weird. To be honest, I was taken aback a little seeing Renee for the very first time in her classic Gabby outfit. It was a bit surreal. I mean, holy Hera! There was Gabrielle! It was like someone plucked her out of ancient Greece & plopped her in Burbank just to take pictures. LOL.
She seemed pretty sleepy still. It was cute. She's so shy. I am amazed she does this for her fans. It must be incredibly hard for her.
T cried. It was so cute. She waited until we got back to the room, and she will absolutely hate me for telling you this, but she cried. She met the Bard of Bards! Her idol! The person that plays the character that helped her realize she wanted to be a writer & helped bring us together. It was adorable.
It really is neat being surrounded & immersed in the Xenaverse & being part of the experience we have always heard about.
Being there though, you could's a little too late for a Xena movie. This broke T & I's heart...just a little. we expected it was a possibility, but we had hoped that with the interest & fervor of the X201MC & other things we had read & watched, that maybe there was a resurgance. Nope. The Con room has yet to be a little more than half full. This is THE Xena con. If they can't fill that up...well, the market for the film looks pretty damn slim to me. Still, It'd be awesome if it ever happened.
So there were a few tears. T worked so hard on that script. However, at the same time, we are having so much fun. Even if it is the tail end of the grand experience, I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
We got to see Claire Stansfield, Tim Omundson, Brittany Powell, Michael Hurst, Jennifer Ward-Lealand, & Jacqueline Kim. Whew! That was a whole lot of awesome in a short amount of time. We also got autographs from all of them as well as Renee's autograph.
Later that night at around 10:30pm we headed on over to the cocktail party. Dancing, music, & drinks. Hudson showed up. She was on the dance floor with all of us. There were several dance offs. She is HI-larious guys. Brittany was there as well. I got hugs. Good, strong, happy hugs. Such wonderful hugs. *sigh*
Many of the stars asked us about the Con. They asked us if we were having a good time. They asked why we decided to come. Was it because it was the LAST con? It was neat, because we got to tell our story to most everyone. The people that helped bring us together. Some of them genuinely thought it was freaking cool. Everyone was very sweet. It was amazing. Brittany even told other people. Can I just say, I liked Brittany's character on the show, but man, I LOVE the real Brittany. She is crazy fun. Also cool & drop dead gorgeous.
Jacqueline Kim was also fantastic & so warm & lovely to meet. Gods, we had such great experiences. The stars were all so incredibly warm & friendly & funny. I have never been to a fan convention where all the stars are so relaxed & friendly & giving & warm. A big thank you to all of them.
After the party, we crashed.
Sunday is next. Lucy Freakin' Lawless day.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Xena Con Day 2 - Friday
Wow. What an amazing first day! We slept in until around 10:30am because we opted not to pay $120.00 to do Yoga with Hudson Leick. It was nice. We needed it. We stumbled over to the Starbuck's, grabbed some coffee & relaxed a bit before rejoining the swing of the Con.
Steven L. Sears talked first. He was a writer for the series. One of the main writers. T got up & asked a question. I filmed part of it. I was proud.
Then Adrienne Wilkinson, the woman who portrayed Xena's daughter, Eve/Livia, was up next. She was very fun.
David Franklin was up next. He was everyone's favorite Brutus in the Rome episodes of Xena. The man is like a combination of David Tennet and Hugh Jackman. Hey, BBC, I think I found your next Doctor. This guy would be awesome!
Rob Field followed David. He was an editor on Xena. He was very Hollywood. It was pretty cool seeing such a stereotypical Hollywood type.
All of this lasted for hours. Finally, at 4pm, Ted Raimi is introduced. Ted played Joxer the Mighty & is Sam Raimi's brother. It was cool seeing Ted. He was funny & pretty much what I expected from a Raimi. Those guys are awesome, sarcastic & funny as hell!
After Ted came the Con legend Hudson Leick. Hudson scares me. She always has. She has this presence about her. It's like she could suck out your soul before you knew what was happening. LOL. Turns out though, that she's really pretty cool. Although I still think she might suck out my soul. After her talk was her photo op.
I was pretty terrified to stand next to her. Seriously, she scares me. So, we get up there, and she looks at T & says, "Hi!" in a high pitched friendly voice. Then she looks at me & says in a lower sulty voice, "Why Hello." Panic. She.Is.Going.To.Eat.Me.
I bravely returned her greeting with my own low confident, "Hello." & she raised her eyebrows & replied to my hello with an even sexier "Hello."
Um,...gulp. Hawt & Scary.
After the picture was snapped it was dinner time & then off to get some of our many autographs. After autographs we attended the special cabaret with Michael Hurst & Jennifer Ward-Lealand. Fun, fun, fun! We were signed up for Karaoke afterwards, but man, we were exhausted. So we went back to the room & crashed.
We had a great first day & did manage to meet some cool people.
We came to grips with the fact that the X201MC people were snubbing us. Very strange after having been on their FB & talking for so long. I thought I had built some pretty cool friendships there, but man was I wrong. Apparently the X2011MC operates like a small junior high school. Of course, being the weird kid & having people treat me like I'm the weird kid is the story of my life. So, feel free to go UNLIKE that page.
Next up, Saturday & Renee!!!
Steven L. Sears talked first. He was a writer for the series. One of the main writers. T got up & asked a question. I filmed part of it. I was proud.
Then Adrienne Wilkinson, the woman who portrayed Xena's daughter, Eve/Livia, was up next. She was very fun.
David Franklin was up next. He was everyone's favorite Brutus in the Rome episodes of Xena. The man is like a combination of David Tennet and Hugh Jackman. Hey, BBC, I think I found your next Doctor. This guy would be awesome!
Rob Field followed David. He was an editor on Xena. He was very Hollywood. It was pretty cool seeing such a stereotypical Hollywood type.
All of this lasted for hours. Finally, at 4pm, Ted Raimi is introduced. Ted played Joxer the Mighty & is Sam Raimi's brother. It was cool seeing Ted. He was funny & pretty much what I expected from a Raimi. Those guys are awesome, sarcastic & funny as hell!
After Ted came the Con legend Hudson Leick. Hudson scares me. She always has. She has this presence about her. It's like she could suck out your soul before you knew what was happening. LOL. Turns out though, that she's really pretty cool. Although I still think she might suck out my soul. After her talk was her photo op.
I was pretty terrified to stand next to her. Seriously, she scares me. So, we get up there, and she looks at T & says, "Hi!" in a high pitched friendly voice. Then she looks at me & says in a lower sulty voice, "Why Hello." Panic. She.Is.Going.To.Eat.Me.
I bravely returned her greeting with my own low confident, "Hello." & she raised her eyebrows & replied to my hello with an even sexier "Hello."
Um,...gulp. Hawt & Scary.
After the picture was snapped it was dinner time & then off to get some of our many autographs. After autographs we attended the special cabaret with Michael Hurst & Jennifer Ward-Lealand. Fun, fun, fun! We were signed up for Karaoke afterwards, but man, we were exhausted. So we went back to the room & crashed.
We had a great first day & did manage to meet some cool people.
We came to grips with the fact that the X201MC people were snubbing us. Very strange after having been on their FB & talking for so long. I thought I had built some pretty cool friendships there, but man was I wrong. Apparently the X2011MC operates like a small junior high school. Of course, being the weird kid & having people treat me like I'm the weird kid is the story of my life. So, feel free to go UNLIKE that page.
Next up, Saturday & Renee!!!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Xena Con Day 1 - Thursday
That's the word for Thursday.
We got up around 5am to start the journey from Oktaha (My Brother's place) to the Tulsa airport. Our flight was on time & despite my mini panic attack & tears upon the first take off, I managed pretty well. There was quite a bit of turbulence on both the flight to Denver & the flight from Denver to Burbank. I sort of like turbulence though. For the first time ever, I did not throw up after the second fight. THAT was awesome.
Once in sunny Burbank, we walked out of the airport, took a deep breath & T started crying. (To be fair, I cried when the plane landed) Neither of us could believe we finally not only managed to get a vacation, but that we managed to afford one. It didn't even matter what we where doing, or that there was a con at all. We were free. Free from all that mundane routine crap. Just me & T.
We looked around & decided to walk rather than to take the complimentary shuttle bus to the hotel. That's how we roll. We wanted to feel every bit of California sunshine.
As we entered the Hotel, the noise grew loud, and there were obvious Xenites filling the lobby already. Many of them very large robust type Xenites. We checked in, smiled shyly & ran up to our room.
We weren't quite sure what to do. I'm completely lousy at being social & T hasn't done it in years. So we stayed up in our room for a little while. Finally, we decided to go down & explore. Find where & when everything was supposed to be. Once we returned to the lobby, we were overwhelmed by the fact that the Xenite number had doubled & people were screaming joyously & hugging & so excited. No one seemed to notice us. It felt like it would be interrupting to walk up & say hello. So we headed toward the convention part of the hotel.
Soon I saw members of the X2011MC. T tried to make conversation, but was brushed off rather quickly, or so it felt. I smiled with recognition at a couple of them that I have been FBing with for 6 months & they looked right through me. No hello, no nothing.
I had no idea what to do. So we sat in the lobby for a couple hours watching people come & go, hugging, screaming, being excited. Then Hudson Leick walked by. T was whispering to me, "Hudson, Hudson, Hudson! Hudson Leick!" I was all, "What? Oh, Callisto. Yep, that's Hudson. Damn. She looks hot."
So we explored a little more, went back up to our room, came back down, attempted a few more times to initiate conversation & went to get in line for Pre-Registration.
No one seemed interested at all in hanging out with us or including us. As we walked to pre-registration, I looked over & saw Bill Shatner sitting next to the pool with a cameraman & boom mike guy. Ha! Cool.
As we stood in line, Bill's TV crew came down the line & the girls behind us started doing the Xena war cry. The camera stopped & there we were. Us the the girls behind us on camera for Bill Shatner's show Fanatics. LOL. If we end up in the final edit, I'll be pretty stoked about that. 'Cause if anything fits me well, title of fanatic is pretty close. I mean, you guys know this.
We did manage to talk to the people in front & behind us & finally feel like we were no longer invisible. So that was good.
We Pre-registered, got our 8 x 10's t be autographed, a new coffee mug, and a couple of scripts & headed back to the room. We were so exhausted. For the first time in my life I was asleep before 11pm.
Now, it's Friday. We're at Starbucks. Free w-fi. The hotel charges $13.00 a day for internet that works. We've got about a half an hour before the festivities start. So glad we passed on the 8 am Yoga with Hudson. LOL.
That's the word for Thursday.
We got up around 5am to start the journey from Oktaha (My Brother's place) to the Tulsa airport. Our flight was on time & despite my mini panic attack & tears upon the first take off, I managed pretty well. There was quite a bit of turbulence on both the flight to Denver & the flight from Denver to Burbank. I sort of like turbulence though. For the first time ever, I did not throw up after the second fight. THAT was awesome.
Once in sunny Burbank, we walked out of the airport, took a deep breath & T started crying. (To be fair, I cried when the plane landed) Neither of us could believe we finally not only managed to get a vacation, but that we managed to afford one. It didn't even matter what we where doing, or that there was a con at all. We were free. Free from all that mundane routine crap. Just me & T.
We looked around & decided to walk rather than to take the complimentary shuttle bus to the hotel. That's how we roll. We wanted to feel every bit of California sunshine.
As we entered the Hotel, the noise grew loud, and there were obvious Xenites filling the lobby already. Many of them very large robust type Xenites. We checked in, smiled shyly & ran up to our room.
We weren't quite sure what to do. I'm completely lousy at being social & T hasn't done it in years. So we stayed up in our room for a little while. Finally, we decided to go down & explore. Find where & when everything was supposed to be. Once we returned to the lobby, we were overwhelmed by the fact that the Xenite number had doubled & people were screaming joyously & hugging & so excited. No one seemed to notice us. It felt like it would be interrupting to walk up & say hello. So we headed toward the convention part of the hotel.
Soon I saw members of the X2011MC. T tried to make conversation, but was brushed off rather quickly, or so it felt. I smiled with recognition at a couple of them that I have been FBing with for 6 months & they looked right through me. No hello, no nothing.
I had no idea what to do. So we sat in the lobby for a couple hours watching people come & go, hugging, screaming, being excited. Then Hudson Leick walked by. T was whispering to me, "Hudson, Hudson, Hudson! Hudson Leick!" I was all, "What? Oh, Callisto. Yep, that's Hudson. Damn. She looks hot."
So we explored a little more, went back up to our room, came back down, attempted a few more times to initiate conversation & went to get in line for Pre-Registration.
No one seemed interested at all in hanging out with us or including us. As we walked to pre-registration, I looked over & saw Bill Shatner sitting next to the pool with a cameraman & boom mike guy. Ha! Cool.
As we stood in line, Bill's TV crew came down the line & the girls behind us started doing the Xena war cry. The camera stopped & there we were. Us the the girls behind us on camera for Bill Shatner's show Fanatics. LOL. If we end up in the final edit, I'll be pretty stoked about that. 'Cause if anything fits me well, title of fanatic is pretty close. I mean, you guys know this.
We did manage to talk to the people in front & behind us & finally feel like we were no longer invisible. So that was good.
We Pre-registered, got our 8 x 10's t be autographed, a new coffee mug, and a couple of scripts & headed back to the room. We were so exhausted. For the first time in my life I was asleep before 11pm.
Now, it's Friday. We're at Starbucks. Free w-fi. The hotel charges $13.00 a day for internet that works. We've got about a half an hour before the festivities start. So glad we passed on the 8 am Yoga with Hudson. LOL.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
And so it begins....

Friday, Saturday & Sunday of this week are going to be a little different here at the blog. I will be blogging from what is being called the FINAL Xena Convention. Of course, it won't be the final one, but it might be the final US Creation sponsored one.
Anyhoo, this space will be filled with all sorts of exclamations of joy and pictures as me & my Amazon Bard trek to Burbank to hook up with the tribe & stand in the presence of our idols. Plus, we get to have our pictures made with them!!!
O.M.G. I have been practicing my "Not Stupid Face" for a month.
We begin travel on Thursday. So far the tribe is undecided on when to meet up. Imagine that?! A bunch of Amazons having trouble deciding where to meet & when. LOL. The Australian & European Amazons are ready to party, as are some of the newbies, but this Warrior is feeling a little too old to go tear up LA the night before the big festival starts. LOL. However, the call to Starbuck's in the wee hours of the morning Friday is looking like a go & I am sure the party gals will need some coffee after their crazy night.

Friday will be the start of the festival with Joxer (Ted Raimi), Callisto (Hudson Leick), La Mao (Jacqueline Kim), Brunnhilda (Brittany Powell), and Xena's daughter herself, Eve (Adrienne Wilkinson. Saturday will be the arrival of the Amazon Queen & Battling Bard of Potedia, Gabrielle, Renee O'Connor & the evil of all evils Alti (Claire Stansfield). Eli (Tim Omundson) will also show up on Saturday, as well as Hercules' best bud Iolus (Michael Hurst). There are so many people showing up on Sat.! The costume contest, which I sadly will not be participating in due to lack of boobs to fill my borrowed breastplate, will also be Staurday.
Then...TheGreat Creation Celebrity Cocktail Party. For GOLD members ONLY. Which we are. I can't believe we are, but um, yeah, we totally went for it & we got golden tickets!!!
Then it's Sunday. Sunday. Sunday!!!!

Sunday is the day the Warrior Princess herself shows up. Callisto (Hudson Leick) runs the charity auction breakfast that morning.

Now, in between all the scheduled stuff & after the scheduled stuff & before the scheduled stuff, we are doing other stuff. We are going to Graumann's Chinese Theatre. We might even catch a show there. We could possibly be going to drunk Karaoke with other Xenites. We are hoping to get to play in the charity softball game which pits Xena's hometown Amphipolis against team Potedia, Gabrielle's hometown. There's pool time with some of the other Amazons & more. Oh, and T pitching her script. Look for the Xena film to be out sometime in late 2012, early 2013. ;)
We are so ready for this.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Don't Blink
I don't know why, but I want these.

They are electronic googly eyes. They blink. How cool is that?
I simply adore googly eyes. ThinkGeek has them for $29.99 on sale.

They are electronic googly eyes. They blink. How cool is that?
I simply adore googly eyes. ThinkGeek has them for $29.99 on sale.
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Happy 2012
Hey there! Glad to see you back here. I'm going to reflect a little here. 2011 rocked. I mean, it was awesome. So many cool things happened in my life. I also set up so many cool things to happen in 2012.
When I started this blog, action figures were an obsession of mine. I couldn't wait to see what was next to be molded into plastic! Now, I've found other things. I've gravitated back toward my art more. Also, back toward really understanding what I love.
The blog will still have lots of action figure news, but be prepared for more posts on artwork I am working on, things I'm doing, places I'm traveling, and Xena. Well, Xena for a while. I'm sure a few months after the Con, the Xena stuff will wind down. It's just the thing I'm most obsessed about right now.
This year I've been able to write quite a bit. I discovered I really love writing. I'm not nearly as good at it as T or some of my other friends, but I enjoy it. So, if I can stick to my guns, you will have a chance to read something I've written other than a blog post sometime this year.
I also have decided to stop taking the world so seriously. It's ridiculous. No more news. No more NPR. No more headlines. No more papers. I'll do my part when I should & I will make informed decisions, but I am done being upset & angry. I'm not a protester, a marcher, a person that is in any way shape or form made to go out in crowds & change things. Neither is T. We change things in other ways. We create. She writes, I write. I paint and she paints. We write music. We just haven't ever gotten it OUT there before. THAT is what we are going to change. We are putting it out there. All of it. That is how we change things. Through our creations. If anything we create touches one person, then we have met with success. We don't even have to know it has.
There needs to be more beauty & positivity in the world. Like just then, positivity showed up in my spell checker. That's a little crazy, isn't it? It underlines positivity in red because it doesn't think it's a word. However, type negativity & it has no problem recognizing it. That says something about our world right there.
Life is too short. Way too short. Being a person who doesn't necessarily believe in an afterlife where we all retain our conscious selves makes THIS life the only one I've got & way too precious to be worrying over the state of the world. If the world is bad or on the verge of collapse then it makes what I need to do all the more urgent.
I'm blessed with love & laughter & comfort & friends. It's time I make my focus my art. My dreams. In turn, making those things my reality. Hopefully, changing someone else's for the better.
I really feel like 2011 was the first step of a new journey. 2012 is going to be even more fantastic. The path is in front of me. I am taking it. The recent past might have beaten me up, chewed me up, pummeled me & kicked me while I was down, but I am standing back up. I'm brushing myself off. I'm geared up, sword in hand, or paintbrush, and ready to go.
When I started this blog, action figures were an obsession of mine. I couldn't wait to see what was next to be molded into plastic! Now, I've found other things. I've gravitated back toward my art more. Also, back toward really understanding what I love.
The blog will still have lots of action figure news, but be prepared for more posts on artwork I am working on, things I'm doing, places I'm traveling, and Xena. Well, Xena for a while. I'm sure a few months after the Con, the Xena stuff will wind down. It's just the thing I'm most obsessed about right now.
This year I've been able to write quite a bit. I discovered I really love writing. I'm not nearly as good at it as T or some of my other friends, but I enjoy it. So, if I can stick to my guns, you will have a chance to read something I've written other than a blog post sometime this year.
I also have decided to stop taking the world so seriously. It's ridiculous. No more news. No more NPR. No more headlines. No more papers. I'll do my part when I should & I will make informed decisions, but I am done being upset & angry. I'm not a protester, a marcher, a person that is in any way shape or form made to go out in crowds & change things. Neither is T. We change things in other ways. We create. She writes, I write. I paint and she paints. We write music. We just haven't ever gotten it OUT there before. THAT is what we are going to change. We are putting it out there. All of it. That is how we change things. Through our creations. If anything we create touches one person, then we have met with success. We don't even have to know it has.
There needs to be more beauty & positivity in the world. Like just then, positivity showed up in my spell checker. That's a little crazy, isn't it? It underlines positivity in red because it doesn't think it's a word. However, type negativity & it has no problem recognizing it. That says something about our world right there.
Life is too short. Way too short. Being a person who doesn't necessarily believe in an afterlife where we all retain our conscious selves makes THIS life the only one I've got & way too precious to be worrying over the state of the world. If the world is bad or on the verge of collapse then it makes what I need to do all the more urgent.
I'm blessed with love & laughter & comfort & friends. It's time I make my focus my art. My dreams. In turn, making those things my reality. Hopefully, changing someone else's for the better.
I really feel like 2011 was the first step of a new journey. 2012 is going to be even more fantastic. The path is in front of me. I am taking it. The recent past might have beaten me up, chewed me up, pummeled me & kicked me while I was down, but I am standing back up. I'm brushing myself off. I'm geared up, sword in hand, or paintbrush, and ready to go.
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley
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