Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Attention: This could be your last chance

I have posted stuff about Alex CF in the past and this is going to be yet another post about Alex CF. Why? The guy's a genius. Not only is he an amazing artist who builds all the neat creatures or goblins or monsters you've always been afraid might be lurking about in the shadows, but the guy is in a band, Light Bearer. Oh, and he's British. How cool is that?

Now, the reason I think you need to know about Alex CF is because he is getting ready to take a break from monster building. That means his last monster, his last work of genius, might just be that, his last. So, what does that mean for you? Well, it means you need to go snatch it up. He sells his art, his monsters, his work. That's right. You could own one of Alex CF's very limited collection of monsters.

What was his last work? Get this...The Trappings of the late Charles Dodgson, also known as the writer Lewis Carroll. How freaking cool is that?!

Go check it out here: Alex CF

Also, go check out the South UK metal band's FaceBook page here: Light Bearer

And for the sake of all that matters, buy something! Even if it's just a song. It's hard being a creative genius. The pay sucks.

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