Saturday, January 09, 2010


Okay, so the new year has begun and so far I'm loving 2010. Everyone has done the resolution thing and blah, blah, blah. Count me in as someone who dislikes resolutions. No one ever adheres to even one of them most of the time. Still, I do like trying to get organized and planning goals. Goals are more realistic than over the top resolutions. My goals this year?

1. Blog 5 days a week.
2. Rework & launch the site.
3. Sell one piece of art
4. Become social with one of the local art communities or start my own group.
5. 25 crunches 6 days a week.
6. Take my camera with me everywhere (and get a new one).
7. Relearn how to correctly burn a screen for screen printing.
8. Learn Wordpress
9. Submit something for publication. (Children stories I have written, Short story, Novel, Art, something)

and really that's about it. Nothing really too tough. Just things that will make me happy. So far # 1, 2, & 5 are already working out great.

1 comment:

Chris said...

RE: Learning Wordpress. Okay, I can help with this. I can loan you the use of my of my domain names and create some space for you and you can play with Wordpress all you want without having to worry about messing up your own stuff. What do you think?