Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Steve Wiebe & Donkey Kong

Go to: G4 Wiebe Record Attempt right now to see Steve try to break the Donkey Kong World Record. Go check out "King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters" if you want to watch an interesting flick about the world record attempts. The guy that currently holds it is a egomaniac. Obviously the documentary style flick is slightly slanted, but seriously, the guy Steve is trying to beat is, well, full of himself. It's a really great flick. Right now though, go watch Steve & cheer him on!


Chris said...

I watched some of that and could only do it for a few minutes at a time. It was too damn stressful!

grasshopper said...

wow all that build up... and the power went out?

ArtistJen said...

It was stressful. I was the same way. I left the live stream up on the computer behind me & turned to check his progress once & a while. There was some build-up & it was too bad the power went out, but overall it was really a load of fun. For me anyway.