Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Mailman Can't Get It In The Slot

Literally. My mailman is apparently incapable of getting the mail in the mail slot. He says the slots not big enough. No joke. The mailbox I bought after having Identity Theft problems locks and was approved by the USPS and also recommended by not only the Police Dept., but also the USPS themselves. However, my inadequate postal carrier argued with me that the mail won't fit, and told me I have to leave it unlocked. Unlocked? How is that going to keep people from stealing my mail again? I told him no, and that his suggestion didn't make sense. Mind you, I got one I was sure 5 Magazines, a couple catalogs, and some mail could fit in. Also know , I can get it to fit with ease. It's not difficult. Maybe it's not in a big fist-full wad like he stuffs boxes (haha) but it fits, a couple pieces at a time maybe. All of it. With plenty of breathing room. Maybe it takes seven seconds instead of four to get it in there, but I have no problems. Of course I get paid by the hour...postal carriers make the same no matter how fast or slow they go. Take a look at the pictures of the great service the USPS is providing me as a first time home owner. To be continued...


Lainey-Paney said...

What a dipsh*t.
I'd be tempted to get a PO Box...but then again...you shouldn't have to if this new locking mailbox is suggested by USPS.

Makes you want to just wait for him to show up, and demonstrate how to use a mailbox for him.

Again...what a dipsh*t.

ArtistJen said...

Exactly. And you know I tried that, but he wouldn't let me have the mail to show him how it's done. He promptly hurried off after handing it to me.