Thursday, February 25, 2010

Website/Blog Wednesday

Okay, so I hear about this new online game site. It's called It's not just any game website though. This one is a music website game site. You listen to music, rate it, skip it, etc. & move on & up. Their mission statement is:

"On thesixtyone, new artists make music and listeners decide what's good. We're nurturing a growing ecosystem where talented folks can sell songs and merchandise directly to their fans. Unlike a record or distribution deal where they only make $1-2 per album (if they ever get paid, that is), artists on thesixtyone make at least $7 per album and are paid every 30 days -- no wait for recoupment and no complex royalty schemes!

We're named after Highway 61, a U.S. route that runs along the Mississippi River and marks the origin of American music culture. Muddy Waters, Bob Dylan and B.B. King rode the 61. Elvis grew up in the housing projects along it. Highway 61 was the road by which people left their homes to take their music to the world.

thesixtyone, inc. was created in 2008 on the basis of yielding the highest annual dividend of auditory happiness for our shareholders across the universe."

Pretty cool. The first song I got to listen to was "Yeti" by Like Bells & I have to say, I liked it. It seems to be a really great way to find new music by new bands or bands that have yet to get any attention from the mainstream.

One really great thing about the website is that they let you listen & download music without an account. Smart decision & great decision if you are an artist on the site.

An incentive to get join & sign-up for an account is the ability to comment on songs, upload as opposed to download songs, & get to some music that has been keep back as for members only.

There is cool info & pictures of the band you are listening to in addition to any tour schedules they may have.

I have to say I was really surprised by the quality of music on the site. Most of it was not my type, I'm a metalhead, but some of it I really liked. Go check it out & see if it's something you could get into. You might find some great new music or a place to put the great new music you make.

Don't forget to leave a tip in the tip jar if you really like the band.


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