Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Getting a Little More Organized

So I have been thinking about my blog here. I love this little blog. I have no idea how many people wander by how often, but that's not really what it's about. However, maybe I should care a little. I mean, if you do wander by, I want you to enjoy it. So, I had an idea. A way to help me blog more often & possibly increase my traffic, & make it more exciting. I can have a theme a day. I have a friend that does things like "Love Friday" & "Thankful Thursday" & it occurred to me that I could do something similar. How about "Movie Review Monday", Art Tuesday, Website/Blog Wednesday, Music Thursday, Action Figure Friday? That way I find something exciting every week day to post & I know what to post when. So if you come here for the art, you know on Tuesday there will be a new post. Action figures? Friday is your day! Sound good? Okay. I'm going to give it a shot. So what's today? Oh yeah, Website/Blog Wednesday. Let me go see what I can find.

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